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Headline tour diary part two!!!
Late again on making this lol but here’s a catch-up of what we’ve been up to :)
3/23 we rented the van and headed out of LA this day with Nick and the talented sound engineer who’s joining us this leg, Michael! Spent the day driving through the desert on the way to Boise. Memorable moments include some good barbecue in a cute town along the way and an epic view of the stars from the middle of nowhere. We pulled over off the desert highway to look at the sky and were.. flabbergasted. Looked like a planetarium, which is a psychotic way to describe the real thing but I’ve never seen so many stars all at once with an almost dome like quality to the sky. We took some pictures, compare nick’s on the left to mine:​
3/24: continued our drive through Nevada this day and arrived in Boise! Had some good Japanese dinner and caught up with our movie director friend Pete Ohs (he directed the Venice music vid). We sorta meandered for a bit but mostly got good sleep before the show the next day.
3/25: Treefort! We got a big diner breakfast this day, were sorta nervous because as festivals usually go we weren’t really gonna have a soundcheck. But we got there early and managed to have a quick one phew!! The show was super fun, it was in a weird Egyptian themed theater and we sold some merch after our set. Got some really good greasy late night pizza and watched hotel tv till we fell asleep!

Driving day! This tour leg is weird because there’s a lot of days off and a shit ton of driving, it’s kinda more like a road trip than a tour hahah. So yeah this day we drove from Boise towards Seattle. The drive was nice, always fun to listen to music n chat. We got into mountain ski town territory towards the end, which was trippy because we still had the desert landscape fresh in our heads. Had some seafood dinner and went to bed with some big sight seeing plans for the next day…

So the day before this day we had casually looked up where the Twin Peaks sightseeing stuff was and realized it was exactly on our route :o so obviously we went to the Double R diner first thing in the morning (actually ran into some people who were gonna be at our show later that day!!) and took a ton of pics of twin peaks stuff. The Great Northern waterfall from the show intro was nearby so we headed there! Sooo epic and beautiful?!? We did an impromptu hike which was awesome, I was wearing purple platform sneakers but made it work, and saw some gorgeous pacific northwest nature. Then the Seattle show happened! It was amazing! Met back up with Cecile and her DJ for this leg, Oren, so nice meeting up w them! The show was real fun, it was a super intimate one with really fun energy!! We got some delicious ramen after and watched all of dinner for schmucks at the hotel

3/28 was a chill day off in Seattle! We slept till 1pm so accidentally missed the whole fish throwing market thing, but did stop by a cool bookstore and got some books! I picked up Island by Alduous Huxley which I like so far. We also went to the first ever Starbucks but only because it was the only cafe open at 6pm, not because we’re Starbucks stans I swear… we had a pretty legendary dinner this night in a really cute area of Seattle. Couldn’t tell you where it was but we met up with some old friends from Miami and had oysters and also stopped by a bar with a bluegrass open mic. Very cozy.

Another sort of off/driving day, with a quick drive to Portland. Had a great diner breakfast in Tacoma and then just relaxed and caught up on some email stuff at the hotel for a while. Went to a tea house and started reading our books… ate way too much pasta at a delish spot… played two games of pool (me and Nick v Matt and Michael, each team won a game) and went to sleep! We also watched an episode of Star Trek. I thought we were almost done with the show, had tried binging as many episodes because it’s going off of Netflix april 1 but turns out there’s a seventh season we missed nooooooo
The next day was the Portland show, really fun! Good energy and cute time at the merch table saying hi to everyone. Someone gave us really sweet bracelets that say Mercurial World <3 Found some amazing late night Korean food right next door to the venue so really enjoyed that...

We had a big drive from Portland to San Francisco! I thought it would be ugly since we were taking the 5 and not the scenic PCH route but WOW saw some of the nicest scenery I've ever seen on the way! Rolling green hills, mountains, trees, sheep, cows, so cool. Looked like the shire honestly. We just pretty much drove and listened to music, did a game where each of us took turns putting on a song that we love. Cecile made me a daisy chain crown:) Stopped for the night in Vacaville & had dinner at a hotel restaurant... it was ok! Also this whole tour I've been trying to get access to a hot tub but have had bad luck with either arriving too late to hotels or the tubs being closed for the winter. Drats. This night we got there too late and also we scoped out the hot tub and it looked strange.

San Francisco show!!!! Just had an hour drive into the city, got some delicious breakfast since Oren is from the area and knew an amazing spot. Setup and soundcheck was chill, we've been getting to all of them early. The show was awesome, really fun crowd and saw an old bff who lives in SF for a sec! Yeah pretty much the show was great and as soon as it was over we had to skedaddle to the airport for our very intense journey to Red Rocks. We wrapped up selling merch at 1:30am and then rushed to finish packing up and separating out what we'd be flying with to Red Rocks and what Cecile would be driving back to LA with. Then hopped in the van and got dropped off at the airport for our 5am flight to Denver. However the airport staff did not arrive till 4am so we just kinda laid on the ground tired and looked into postmating some food to the airport. Unfortunately the only option was IHOP and the delivery time was too late haha so we just snacked until they were ready for us to check in! All went pretty smoothly, as soon as we got on the plane we knocked out Zzzzz
RED ROCKS! We arrived in Denver at 8am, luckily my parents got in the night before and were sweet enough to pick us up from the airport and take us to the hotel where we napped for 2 hours before heading out to soundcheck! Soundcheck was surreal, the combination of the lack of sleep + the altitude + breathtaking views of the empty 10k capacity venue was... overwhelming and epic. We had a lot of family and friends come in so we enjoyed hanging with them after soundcheck! Also enjoyed laying on the ground in the green room and getting a couple more minutes of sleep. Eventually our performance time came up and we went and did our thing! Obviously this is the largest show we've played and it was completely different performing to 10k distant strangers than being up in the faces of 300 fans at a little headline show!! It was a crazy experience, the sheer scale of it was mindblowing. We had a lot of fun and got to see Porter's set, which was incredible! Headed back to the hotel & had a celebratory cocktail with Michael & Nick. Fell asleep very quickly soon after.

That was pretty much the tour! The day after red rocks we hung around Denver with all our family that had visited, doing family things. We were able to throw together a quick ski plan with Nick and his gf, also one of my bffs from childhood, Anna! So we drove an hour out that night and got to enjoy two really fun days of skiing as a quick post-tour vacay. I've skied just once before and am sooo happy I didn't break my legs:) ALSO FINALLY GOT TO GO IN A HOT TUB! It was during snowfall so it felt extra euphoric. Well, now we're back home in LA and lookin forward to our next shows with Charli, Flume, our little Europe tour and all the sick festivals we're doing in the summer! It's been soo so special playing our first ever headline tour and we're so excited to keep making our shows bigger and better. Thank you so much for coming to the shows, for following along, for reading this, for listening to our music, for watching our stream, for everything. Nothing compares to performing for you guys in person and meeting you after the show- as we chill at home we'll be missing the road and the highs of the shows but also will enjoy the time we finally have to get to writing. We'll see you soon <3
love x 1000000000000000, Mica & Matt​

Someone at our oberlin college show reminded us about our tour diary omg totally forgot about this thing!!!! So here is a very long entry to catch you up…. tour sorta started a while back in a way cause we’ve been prepping for it since Jan. We started rehearsals with Nick, our new drummer (and good friend who played with us in our high school rock band) in Florida the first week of 2022 and figured out how to bring the songs to life with drums! Nick is the best, if you haven’t seen us live yet your mind will be blown!! After that we sorta dived into a bunch of crazy logistics for the tour. We don’t have a manager right now and decided not to bring a tour manager along (bc we added Nick and an amazing front of house engineer named Scott to our touring party), so January was a blur of van rentals, hotel bookings, Matt figuring out a bunch of technical updates like new in ear monitoring systems and lighting integration for our set, booking flights, figuring out insurances, figuring out if and how to get lights programmed and how to travel with lights, and beyond! When we started the tour I was just soo worried about something going wrong with all the delicate logistics but everything has gone amazingly and the shows have been so so special. Our first ever headline tour!!

Matt, Nick and I flew from LA to New York the night of the 15th with 8 checked bags lol and picked up the van the next morning! Slept pretty well on the flight and got an amazing breakfast at a diner somewhere in Jersey. We napped for a sec at the hotel and then did a rehearsal with our new sound engineer Scott- met up with the amazing Cecile Believe who’s supporting us on tour + her DJ for the tour, Brad, and the next morning headed over to Boston together!

First show was a blur, we were dealing with technical visual issues literally up until doors so some of you maybe saw us onstage still setting up lights when you came in hahah, but we figured it out! All our lights were preprogrammed by a genius LD named Lorcan and we set them up for the first time in Boston, had to sorta learn how to do it during soundcheck. It was so sick seeing all of the visuals and drums come together for the show, we also saw and tried on our outfits for the first time!!! Milagros Collective (the artists behind the Hysterical Us music vid) made the amazing show clothes in just like 2 days or something crazy. Wild seeing the Sinclair filled up with our fans, hearing everyone singing was mind blowing and we sold twice as much merch as we expected to at our first show??!!!! We got Wendy’s n went to sleep
Got to New York for soundcheck on the 18th and went in on making some updates to our lighting setup, had my parents help us figure out how to mount them on mic stands hahah, but overall smoother soundcheck than the first show! When I ran out on stage to sing I literally just felt in awe and almost nervous thinking about the 750+ people there to see us?!? So many heads bobbing out there! If you were there you know we had some tech issues to deal with like my mic cutting out for a sec and the projector dying on us… definitely not ideal for our biggest show ever but tried turning it around with an energetic show and by doing my first ever crowd surf!

photo by @weallwantsome
One of my fave parts of any show is turning around to see Matt smiling while we play and his reaction to the crowd surf was soo epic… crowd surfing was really fun and chill, it was such a special show… it’s hard to remember or write about how it feels bein up there but it was sick. And as always meeting everyone at the merch table after the show was so amazing!!! When the show ended we ate minestrone and went to sleep!
Think we went to Walmart this day on the way to our DC show, got two Batman movies and A Star is Born to watch in the van but haven’t seen them yet… hopefully we will soon… we pretty much got to DC for soundcheck! Really really fun show, the crowd energy was incredible and it felt like we finally had all the visuals and things running super smoothly! Met some super sweet people at the merch table and were blessed to stay in room 311 at our hotel that night. Can’t remember what we ate but think Nick got us some arepas along the way that night!
Ok this was our day off, had an epic diner breakfast with the whole tour fam and made our way slowly to Philly! Napped at the hotel and then got some good dinner at Han Dynasty and a sorta weird waffle at Franklin Fountain (love the ice cream there was just too cold out)… philly’s cute, had fun driving through old city plus me and Matt finally got to watch a Star Trek TNG episode that night (the one with the borg kid)

Ok very fun show too, realized this day that our rabbit mask was tragically lost so just got on top of the speaker during Follow the Leader instead??? At this point we were feeling in the groove musically and with all the visuals so it’s smooth sailing. Drove two hours towards Ohio this night blasting fast music to stay awake!!!

We played a college show this day, Matts been driving the van and he absolutely crushed this long ass drive we did on like 5 hours of sleep AND also in the rain. This was the one sleep deprived tour day and I had to have 3-4 coffees throughout the day.. the show was really cute, all the college kids were jumping and having fun and we ate a chicken sandwich and went to sleep! Also heard this day that the rabbit mask was located in DC <3

Had a chill morning, got to sleep in and do just a short drive to the venue. It’s actually our first time ever in the Midwest, blows my mind to be so close to the Great Lakes and see the type of America I’ve only seen in movies and tv shows… felt really cold this day for the first time on tour! Suffered some projector troubles but got it working in time for the set! Really fun show, always wild playing in a new city for the first time and seeing that there's people there that listen t0 us! Got some Chuck E. Cheese vibe pizza and drove an hour out to Chicago, went to sleeeeep

Omg Chicago!! What an iconic show! This one felt like a long time coming, we've never been to Chicago before and the show was sooo fun. Loved the huge projector hanging over us at Lincoln Hall, such a cool way to show our visuals. As we arrived in the city for soundcheck felt awed by the cold ass choppy waters of the lake. It started snowing as we got to the venue for load in- maybe it's because I'm a Miami girl but I'm soo amazed by snow. It's so quiet and peaceful and just transforms a landscape in such a dramatic way. Had a nice minute to myself watching the snow fall before we started load in... the show was so great, crowd was amazing and everyone at the merch table was so sweet. We also had family and friends that came through. It was the perfect note to end the tour leg on!
Guess this was the real last show of the tour! We did a college show at Grinnell in Iowa! Very chill and fun haha the funnest part was setting up lights for Cecile using our keyboard as a midi trigger, Matt did so well improvising them. It was 7 degrees out at night, we were so hungry when we left the show and just got some stuff at the only open place in town, like a gas station. Next day Cecile and Brad left and we made our way back to Chicago! We tried deep dish pizza (it was very good but gotta say we prefer NY style) returned our van, went to sleep and now are at the airport for our flight back to LA! Always feels so weird when tour ends, especially this one cause it's such a short leg... life's very simple on tour. It's extremely busy with like not one free second but your only cares in the world are the show, the drive, eating, water, using the bathroom, and sleep. Feels weird to rejoin your regular life and society but here we go!!! Hasn't sunk in yet that we put on all these incredibly fun shows, in rooms way bigger than the ones we've headlined before. We love performing and are so excited for the West Coast shows and beyond!!! Thank you for being a part of all this, we're so grateful that we're able to experience our music in the real world and share our music with you in person at these shows- see you on the West Coast!!!!!!

- - - - - - -OCTOBER 2021 TOUR - - - - - - -

We are leaving Texas!!! Our few days here were really fun... did Dallas, Houston & Austin. Wish we had more time to explore but we did see 1 Buc-ee's, got crazy good diner food, countless tacos & played 3 sick shows! Our El Paso show got cancelled so we added a Halloween show in Phoenix... but we don't have costumes ready fml... hopefully an idea strikes in the next 24 hours
Today we're driving like 12 hours and tomorrow another 4! So far just chilling in the sprinter n maybe will get into some movies soon... crazy that tour's almost done jeez!!!!!
-Mica & Matt, 10/30/21
Hey .. we're on the way to Dallas from New Orleans!! Had a day off in Nola yesterday & had so much fun eating food and exploring. Met up with our Milagros friends and ate Ethiopian food at their house... then we went to the sculpture garden and saw a fire Singing Tree (wind chimes), got Beignets, then ate good dips with George n crew, went to 2 Walmarts, a Dick's Sporting Goods store and then to a fun barcade called Seacave!
Also pet some dogs in between. Slept 9+ hours and got some cool new shirts from Milagros, since we're running out of clean Milagros shirts to wear. Also found the 2 Willy Wonka movies at Walmart for $5... safe to say we are set up for success for the last week of tour!! We miss writing songs, loving tour but also hype to get back home and start writing again:)
-Mica & Matt, 10/26/21

We are on our way to New Orleans from Miami today! Gonna stop to sleep along the way and make it to Nola tomorrow. Matt's driving rn but he'll prob write the next update. We spent a day in Miami yesterday & it was so nice to see our family and pets! We ate good food and slept 10 hours..
So wild that the album is 2 weeks old- we finally saw our vinyl for the first time and it looks soo good, it's cool to see the album in large physical form. My mom helped us wash our bodysuits without the colors getting wrecked so we're excited wear them again for our shows and smell good while doing it... what else?? Miami was so rainy but it was kind of a cozy vibe. We watched Cable Guy in the tour sprinter and I hadn't seen it before... good stuff....
-Mica, 10/23/21
We are on tour!! Right now we are driving from Atlanta to Miami. We tried Taco Bell and Cook Out yesterday for the first time - Cook Out is the winner..
We're really excited to play in New Orleans later this week and see our friends from the Hysterical Us music vid shoot... Performing the album songs live has been so cool, the more time passes the more people know the words to the new songs n we love to hear them sing along.... <3
-Mica, 10/21/21